Monday 4 January 2016

(¯`'·.¸ And I simply Decided 2B Happy again ¸.·'´¯)

Do not seek to follow in
the footsteps of the wise.
Seek what they sought.

Every test in our life
makes us bitter or better,

Every problem comes
to make us or break us,

Choice is our whether
we become victim or victorious..!!

Only those who will risk
going too far can possibly
find out how far one can go.

Living in the favourable and unfavourable situation is called
"PART OF LIFE", But smiling in all those situations is called

When u feel depressed, confused or hurt.
Don't worry stand in front of a mirror,
u will find the best one to solve your problem.

Life spent with someone
for a lifetime may be meaningless,
But a few moments spent
with someone who really loves U,
Means more than a life itself!

Many hugs
Only love never anger
Teaching me
Helping me
Every smile when I was sad
Raising me to be strong

Once in a while, you have to show people your bad side for them
not to take advantage of what you can give them. Set limitations.

Be miserable.
Or motivate yourself.
Whatever has to be done,
it's always your choice.

Listen closely if you can, above the roar of your fears. This is the Secret
There is no secret other than Patience, Kindness, Humility,
and a deep sense of Gratefulness. It is called Grace. Everything follows from Grace.

The real things haven’t changed. It is still best to be honest and truthful;
to make the most of what we have; to be happy with simple pleasures;
and have courage when things go wrong.

Stop giving away your power to fear and worry. Face what you fear,
take away the unknown and regain the power that you’ve lost to worry.

The biggest lie: “When I get what I want I will be happy.”
The truth is, you will be about as happy as you decide to be.

Sometimes God has to break us to make us. It’s just a bend, it’s not the end.
We’re like glow sticks, no matter how much we’re bent and broken our lights still shine.

We cannot make the whole world BETTER or BRIGHTER,
but at least we can light a candle and keep the darkness away from our OWN small CORNER.

fine Me If U Can

Memories that make us Cry when we Remember da Time we Laughed Together~!~

Million of moneyy Is not the Answer  Love

I have decided to stay quiet when you hurt me..
If I hurt you back, eventually its gonna hurt me more.

I'm alright   It only hurts... When  l breathe

U Hurt Me More Den I Deserve
Its Jst bCuz I Love U More Den U Deserve

When Someone you love dies , you never quite get over it...
You just learn to slowly go on without them...
BUT always keeping them tucked safely within your HEART....

If I should die tonight and the reason remains unknown,
tell not the whole world, but the one I love that I died of a broken heart,
 not because he loved me too little but because I loved him too much.

Life is not worth living until you have someone to die for.
And life is not worth dying once you have someone to live for.

The great tragedy of life is not that men perish, but that they cease to love.

To die for someone is easy, the real challenge is finding the courage to live for someone.

People who die by suicide, dont want to end their lives, they want to end their pain

All living things eventually die. It's unavoidable.
But as long as you remember, it will live on in your heart forever.

The Power of Loving your life is far stronger than Fear of Death.

You live to be loved, and you die to be remembered.


The easiest way to not get hurt is to not care...but that's the hardest thing to do.

Sometimes you just need to put the past away and move on with your life.

The right time to stop doing something is the moment you start regretting it!

You never know how much you care for someone until they stop caring for you

Don't worry to much about people who don't worry about you at all!

Sometimes the best way to get someone's attention is to stop giving them yours.

Sometimes the pain's too strong to bear and life gets so hard you just don't care.