Monday 4 January 2016

Im Lost Plz Find Me

Thinking of you means "I miss you"

Holding your hand means "I like you"

Putting my head on your shoulder means "Comfort me"

My hands on your waist means "Never let me go"

Biting my lip means "I'm jealous"

Staring into your eyes means "Do you love me?"

Winking means "I adore you"

Dreaming of you means "You're someone special"

Being with you means "I can't live without you"

And wearing your RING means '' YOU'RE MINE

Heart is not a Dust Bin To Dump all The Wories of Ur Life

It's A Goldn Jar 2 Collect Sweet Moments of Ur Life
So B Happy & Keep Smiling

Compromise says:
Its better 2 change a little than 2 lose som1 4evr.
Ego says:
Its better 2 leave the one who want to change U.
"Choice is YourZ!

Definition of TIME:
Slow. . .when U wait. . .
Fast. . .when y0u are getting late. . .
Long. . .when y0u are sad. . .
Short. . .when y0u are happy. . .
Endless. . .when y0u are in
pain. . .
Time can only ße determined ßy y0ur feelings & y0ur mental condition & not ßy clocks.

Happy people are those who continuously evaluate &
Unhappy people are those who continuously evaluate OTHERS"

Care and love r not business where you give and you get.
These are beautiful feelings for someone where you like to give even if you don't get

People will wish you all the success in the world and then they hate you when u get it...

I'm scared because,
I don't want anyone else to have your heart.
I don't want anyone else you kiss,
I don't want anyone else to be in your arms,
I don't want you to love anyone else.
I'm scared because i dont' want anyone to take my place.

Live with no excuses.. n love with
no secrets.
when life gives u a hundred
reasons 2 cry,show life that u
have thousand reasons 2 smile.

You are so much important in my life.
Not Because I enjoy your company ?|
But ...
I feel so much lonely in Your absence...!!